Monday, June 13, 2011

A short post.

Here are some things I've done lately:

1)  Some A lot of mental shopping.  Here's my shortlist!

Owl Pplate from Poppytalk Handmade

Tote by Maptote

Anything at this Etsy shop


2)  Tweeting, which I swore I'd never do.  Curse you, Flyers players who have Twitter accounts and post regularly enough to make me keep checking back often to see what you're doing this summer (which apparently includes beefing up, going home to Alaska, and recovering from wrist surgery).  You have earned my eternal lovehate.

3) Working overtime and gaining many, many gray hairs.  Also watching Playoff hockey, which piles on more gray hairs.  That's why I'm far away from the TV right now.  Damn you, Boston, enjoy it while you can...

Fun picture from Rockford!